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Luftwaffe Experten Message Board

Daniel Bell

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    Fw190D-series, Ta152-series & He219

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  1. Daniel Bell

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Brand new Luftwaffe forum starting up!

    Looking fwd to signing up Clint D
  2. Daniel Bell

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Brand new Luftwaffe forum starting up!

    Cheers Peter - well played Sir! D
  3. Daniel Bell

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Brand new Luftwaffe forum starting up!

    Well Clint, its the 29th here (Australia), this may well be my last LE+MB post - any news on the new site? D
  4. Daniel Bell

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Brand new Luftwaffe forum starting up!

    Top work Clint... Cheers mate! @Junker - As for keeping membership restricted to only those who are 'active', you'd need to define that for me. I'm not having a go at you or anyone (in fact, I'm a fan of keeping forums clear of 'dead accounts' and etc), but thinking about this from my perspective - I don't really consider that I have been as 'active' as I could have been (Work/Research/Life etc - seems the higher one climbs the Academic ladder the more work you have to do ), plus I have fairly narrow scope of interests (late Night-fighters - mostly the He219A - Fw190 Dora's and the Ta152). Beyond those limits, I have little to 'actively' contribute; maybe the odd piece of Me262 or Bf109G-10 or Ta183 or airfield stuff, but one could hardly accuse me of being well-rounded across the entire gamut of 'stuff' - especially bombers/dive bombers, early Bf109's, trainers, etc. That said, when then new board goes live, I'll sign up and be as 'active' as life allows... Dan