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Luftwaffe Experten Message Board

Piet Bouma

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  1. Piet Bouma

    Thank you Peter

    Dear Peter, Thank you very much for all the effort, blood, sweat and tears(?) you (must have) put into the LEMB forum..! It's LEMB that triggered my interest in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. I started out here as an aircraft modeller / an aviation enthusiast who wanted to know more about certain Luftwaffe subjects, but during the years my hobby changed into seriously researching those Luftwaffe subjects..! LEMB was an enormous boost for my research. I've met a lot of very nice people like yourself here in the Forum who were always helping each other..! Lots of 'Luftwaffe Experten contacts' started out here at LEMB..! Many correspondences have started here..! Most valuable back-ground information on various Luftwaffe subjects came for a great deal from LEMB, LEMB members and LEMB moderators..! I'd like to thank you and all the other moderators for everything and I wish you all the best..! Many happy landings for the future..! Piet Bouma The Netherlands