Thank you for taking on what at times must be a thankless task. I'd be very sorry to see it degenerate into a private talking shop for a minority of Luftwaffe cognoscenti. I think it is important to be open to sensible questions from anyone, however ignorant or however unable to contribute anything fresh the visitor is. Spreading the word is key.
It reminds me of a Bloch MB.81, but the tail is more Germanic and the cockpit (whole top of the fuselage really) is different. Could it be a derivative?
Thanks for the picture. I didn't see it as a Ju88B as such, the lower nose is more reminiscent of an early prototype. I was imagining it as possibly an early mock-up of an "integrated" nose shape. However, there does not seem to be the depth of fuselage below the pilot's position for any Ju88 family member.
It is very reminiscent of a Ju88B, down to the framework for the pilot on the left, the large flat side "windows", and the curved (in two dimensions) top. But that's without looking at photos of the Ju88B....