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Luftwaffe Experten Message Board

Nick D

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Everything posted by Nick D

  1. Nice selection Peter. If im reading it right the Ar96 is at Helmstedt and the top scrapheap is at Fritzlar. HTH Nick
  2. Nick D

    eBay: another three sets of negatives

    Hurricane your RKT is Hans Phillip. HTH Nick
  3. Nick D

    eBay: three sets of Bf109 & Bf110 negatives

    Thanks for the heads up on the spitfire pics Peter. I should have checked the whole forum before I posted, I hadn't got as far as the captured section,lol. Nick
  4. Nick D

    eBay: three sets of Bf109 & Bf110 negatives

    Nice finds again Peter. Surprised no-ones mentioned the mirror wave camoed Spit in pics 1 & 2. Im sure they have been on Ebay before. Nick