Dear Peter,
I would also like to take the opportunity to say "thank you very much" and especially for giving all us a very pleasant "home" for our special field of interest. For me the old LEMB on ezBoard was my very first contact with forums on the web, way back in 1998. And since then, this site always remained a very special place to go to. And from the very simple beginning, LEMB has matured to what we all know now. Here I also have/ had the honor of learning so much from our other members. What a treasure trove of knowledge and people. The only bad thing is actually the fact, that I never had the chance to meet all the interesting people in live.
So, I would like to "raise my glass" (with what ever you deem appropriate) and say thank you, for a job well done. And to my member peers, I also want to thank you for making this my most favourable site. Peter, all the best to you and for what ever endeavour you have in mind or planned. Maybe you might surprise us all with something new.
And as everything good has to end at some time, until we meet again somewhere, some when "Auf Wiedersehen", take care and see you soon, ingat ka, Hasta luego, Au revoir, ....