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Luftwaffe Experten Message Board

George Hopp

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Status Updates posted by George Hopp

  1. Gene, would you happen to have the address of Olivier LeFebvre's Forum? My computer got virused out, I lost everything, and am sort of starting from scratch. Hey, I like your avitar.

    All the best,

    George Hopp


    1. Crumpp


      Hi George...


      I never got this. Do you still need it? BTW, I fly up to Canada on a regular basis. where are you at? Let's grab a cup a coffee!

  2. I should have added that you had better let me know pretty soon if you are interested because I'm going in for a cancer operation in a couple of weeks.

    All the best,


  3. If you want the installation plans for the Bf109E recce version. In fact, the same material I sent to Dave Wadman, who I had assumed would pass the info to you, just send me your mailing address, not the damn e-mail address, and I will send you the photocopies of the sucker.

    All the best,


  4. has not set their status
